Friday, August 12, 2016

WELCOME BACK! The 2016-17 school year is going to be amazing!

“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”  Ernest Hemingway

Professional athletes were surveyed and asked to list the reasons for their success. People wanted to know what made these athletes so great. There responses indicated that the difference between good athletes and great athletes is three things: parental support, great coaches, and practice. While I don't doubt that these three components contribute to great athleticism, I also know that I have the ability (although difficult) to be one of the greats even if I do not have the support of my parents, coaches, and teachers. The one aspect I have absolute control of is practice. Hard work and dedication are highly linked to success. If we are willing to put forth the effort- the practice-we need to become one of the greats, we may discover talent that we never knew existed. 
Let's face it, writing is hard. While Hemingway certainly made it look easy, even he struggled with writing. But the truth is this: it's hard to be a good writer if you aren't willing to write. You certainly won't be great without lots of practice. Fortunately, IPHS students have supportive teachers and coaches to assist and motivate them in their learning. We want all students to be good writers and to discover the benefits, both in school and out, of writing effectively. Writing is a process, and good writers are not developed overnight. Through constant practice, revision, and reflection, good writing will emerge. Perhaps you will be among the greats one day! 
--Mrs. Taylor

As the year begins, we will focus on narrative writing. Through the first six weeks we will also experiment with poetry and literary analysis. Keep calm and write on!